Trends: Branding

Emotionally connecting to women through Pandora’s personalized radio platform.
Do the ads that play on Pandora while you listen to your favorite playlist pertain to products or brands you are likely to purchase? As advertisers, it’s our job to make sure our client’s ads are bein … Read more

Innovative healthcare marketing example # 15.
When you think of “Centers of Excellence”, what comes to mind? I’d guess maybe highest quality. The best of the best. Specialized. Prestigious reputation. Esteem. That’s why when I heard Walmart was o … Read more

Marketing to women that connects, example 9: Dove.
Some marketing goes beyond building brand awareness, but builds something more: a bridge to change the culture in which we live. The Real Beauty Dove Campaign did exactly that. They took a brand that … Read more
Shedding some light on a new brand.
When Omnicare Health Plan embarked upon a recent name change and rebranding to CoventryCares of Michigan, we were honored to become their healthcare marketing partner. There were some unique factors t … Read more

Social media and the Olympics: what we can learn from our biggest winners’ losses.
Well, the Olympics have come to an end (sigh). The closing ceremonies are over and have successfully spiced up my life. But the completion of the games have left a void in my nightly television … Read more

“Oh no you didn’t!” Brands that stole Olympic glory.
I’ve been reading a lot about marketing around the Olympics this year, but the story that keeps coming up is how the non-sponsor brands are usurping the limelight from official sponsors. Here are a fe … Read more
Meds or Meditation?
Herbs? Essential Oils? Reiki? Acupuncture? I’m a believer, which is why I’m always thrilled to learn about the growing acceptance of alternative medicine. The University Hospital’s Connor Integrative … Read more

Does Pinterest lead to product purchasing?
Recently I discussed three unique brand page examples on Pinterest and how brands are engaging their followers. Upon finding those unique examples, I wondered about the effectiveness of Pinterest bran … Read more
Brands get up close and personal on Facebook.
In the past couple of months, a few brands have been reaching out to Facebook fans in an extra-ordinary way – with personalized videos. Febreze is the most recent example with their “Million Thanks.” … Read more
Innovative healthcare marketing example #13.
What do you want to do when you’re 100? If you’re like me, you don’t think much about it. Too busy with today’s priorities – like getting to work on time, packing lunches and making the next trac … Read more