Trends: Social Media
Marketing to women that connects, example 7: Google Chrome.
As the highest users of social media, according to Mashable, women are the audience people want to connect with to spread the brand love. And one of the most brilliant campaigns of the decade (in my h … Read more

How social media helped a little lunch box hit the big time.
When I first heard about EasyLunchboxes from a pushy very enthusiastic friend, there was only way to buy the bento-style trays and cooler bags. You had to go to the website and pay at least $9 in ship … Read more

Social media and the Olympics: what we can learn from our biggest winners’ losses.
Well, the Olympics have come to an end (sigh). The closing ceremonies are over and have successfully spiced up my life. But the completion of the games have left a void in my nightly television … Read more

Olympics inspire great advertising.
Who doesn’t love the Olympics? The amazing athletic feats, the moving medal ceremonies, the opening hoopla (which happens in London tonight)—I love all of it. Since I’m in advertising, I also love to … Read more

Celeb Boutique’s Twitter mistake offends many during this sensitive time.
Today is a very tragic day in the aftermath of the late night shooting in Aurora, Colorado that left many victims in its wake. This type of senseless violence in such a public place like a movie theat … Read more

Social media expands the circle of friendship.
Friendship Circle of Michigan has always been one of my favorite non-profits. They do significant work for families of children with special needs—some are close friends of mine. So of course, I took … Read more

Does Pinterest lead to product purchasing?
Recently I discussed three unique brand page examples on Pinterest and how brands are engaging their followers. Upon finding those unique examples, I wondered about the effectiveness of Pinterest bran … Read more

Refer a friend to this innovative cause marketing.
I’ve always been a big fan of cause marketing, especially to reach women. Sure, we all love to get a sale price or cash back, but if the extra bang for our buck is a charitable donation, many of us ar … Read more
Brands get up close and personal on Facebook.
In the past couple of months, a few brands have been reaching out to Facebook fans in an extra-ordinary way – with personalized videos. Febreze is the most recent example with their “Million Thanks.” … Read more
Innovative healthcare marketing example #13.
What do you want to do when you’re 100? If you’re like me, you don’t think much about it. Too busy with today’s priorities – like getting to work on time, packing lunches and making the next trac … Read more