Mt. Sinai Print Ad

Innovative healthcare marketing example #2.

Another day, another breakthrough. Remember this one? Close your eyes for a moment and it will come back. Simple, elegant, sepia-toned hospital branding with really great headlines. A d … Read more

Innovative healthcare marketing example #1.

I know I’m kind of a weirdo. My kids think so when I shush them during a good TV commercial, then excitedly proceed to explain to them the marketing strategy behind it, the simplicity of message and w … Read more

B&P in the pink

Shining a light on breast cancer awareness.

The historic Peabody Mansion, the home of Brogan & Partners, is usually a sight to see in yellow, but this October we’re going pink. It’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month. So we wanted to raise aware … Read more

Creative social marketing example #21: United Way.

I love when I get a social marketing assignment. Because instead of selling capitalism with my creativity (not that there’s anything wrong with that), I get to sell people on the idea making the world … Read more

Creative social marketing example #20: United Nations Campaign.

Sometimes creative not only breaks through the clutter but breaks new ground in what is possible. It’s pretty mind-blowing to imagine a poster campaign that talks. This is truly interactive at it’s be … Read more

Iris saves planet

Creative social marketing example #19: World Wildlife Fund.

Over the years, the WWF has done some brilliant advertising.  The message is usually a variation of “save the planet” but the executions are all different and each inspiring. The speckyboy blog h … Read more

Creative social marketing example #18: Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.

Okay, I cannot do a blog series on creative social marketing without giving some props to our client, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. For over 20 years, we’ve been partners … Read more

Creative social marketing example #17: Thinkb4youspeak.

Homophobics are still in the closet. Even though most of us have gay friends, relatives, co-workers or at the very least have watched “Will & Grace”, homophobia is still hiding out there. And some … Read more

Creative social marketing example #16: Stop Land Mines.

This PSA is so powerful, I am going to let it speak for itself. Maybe we all would care more about the land mine problems in other countries, if it were in our backyard. Subscribe to our blog to get t … Read more

bikini ad

Creative social marketing example #15: obesity prevention.

Despite the 40 billion dollars poured into the diet industry, 2 out of 3 Americans are clinically obese. I, myself, have poured a big chunk of change into this industry. And while I adore my nutrition … Read more

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