Trends: Workplace Culture

4 tips to being the intern most likely to be invited back.

Get an internship. This was the first piece of advice I got when I stepped on my college campus. Before moving into my dorm. Before taking my first class. Before making my first college friend. It’s a … Read more

motivation at work

4 tips to being a rock star at work. Bonus: Tunes to get you motivated.

What exactly is a rock star? Let’s break it down: A “rock” is something that offers support; is solid, secure, stable and strong. A “star” is something celebrated and brilliant; outstanding, effective … Read more

Where are we going for this year’s Mystery Trip?

We have less than a week before we pack up and go on this year’s Mystery Trip. But there’s one problem: we still don’t know where we’re going. While our trip planners have been generous enough to give … Read more

The ultimate #tbt: Brogan & Partners celebrates 30 years of magic.

On July 24, Brogan & Partners celebrated its 30th birthday with current and former employees, past and present clients, friends, family and agency admirers. People came from everywhere—from Califo … Read more

Dream big with LinkedIn.

To some people, LinkedIn is just a website where users document their work experience. To us, it’s much more. LinkedIn is a powerful resource that professionals use to market themselves. On the site, … Read more

Brogan at the airport

Aruba? Arriba!

Remember that day a couple weeks ago when it snowed in Detroit even though it was almost May?  The day after that, everyone in our office was told to wake up at 2 a.m. and head to the airport. You’d t … Read more

Our big trip to The Big Easy.

Every year, Brogan & Partners and Ignite Social Media go on an annual Mystery Trip. The tradition began in 1995 as a perk to create a happy work environment and as a bonding experience among emplo … Read more

Will Create For Chocolate

10 tips for students looking to get a job in an advertising creative department.

You’d think in an era of social networking, it would be easier to find a job. But I meet young people all the time struggling to find where they fit in and how to get their foot in the door. And I rem … Read more


Why Brogan?

We are true partners. With a proven track record of delivering strategic marketing expertise, award-winning creative and real-time, data-driven media, we go above and beyond for our clients to get results. We even guarantee you’ll be delighted.