Trends: Healthcare

Celebrating 30 years of creative advertising: #18 Covenant HealthCare.

We all know how frustrating it can be when you get stuck driving behind a huge bus. It blocks your view. It slows your speed. So you make every effort to pass the enormous vehicle and drive as many la … Read more

Pfizer Ireland recently began a program to raise awareness of the importance of childhood vaccinations.

Most women favor childhood immunizations, despite vocal opposition

Most women favor childhood immunizations to protect kids from serious diseases like polio, tetanus and measles. This is according to the latest survey of Brogan Talks to Women (BTTW), an informal … Read more

Clever social marketing campaign proves the medium is (still) the message.

The medium is the message. It’s as true today as it was in 1964 when Marshall McLuhan coined the term in his book “The Medium is the Massage.” According to McLuhan, the channel in which people consume … Read more

Celebrating 30 years of creative advertising: #6: Michigan Department of Community Health: AIDS Campaign.

In 1988, AIDS was a mysterious, terrifying and fatal disease.  Misinformation and paranoia about AIDS was spreading faster than the disease itself. To help prevent the disease and get the real fa … Read more

Celebrating 30 years of creative advertising: #5 Henry Ford Hospital.

It’s hard to imagine that there was a time when hospital marketing did not include broadcast media. In 1984, one of our first clients was Henry Ford Hospital.  In repositioning their brand, we he … Read more

More than 300,000 People Enroll in the Healthy Michigan Plan.

I love my job. When I decided to go into advertising over a decade ago, I was a college freshman who thought it would be fun to hang out at a hip office, sip coffee and come up with catchy taglines. W … Read more

Electronic cigarette ads glamorize smoking, BTTW panel says.

Electronic cigarettes are making smoking cool again, and may entice kids to try tobacco cigarettes. This is according to a May survey of Brogan Talks to Women, an informal community of female consumer … Read more

Google Glass

Healthcare tries Google Glass on for size – Finally a target market that fits.

Healthcare is becoming more innovative every day. We see it with robotic surgery, electronic medical records, minimally invasive procedures and much more. Today, with people constantly consumed by tec … Read more

Time for your hospital to get a responsive website? New panel results say yes!

If you’re in the healthcare marketing world, I’ll wager you’ve heard this stat a multitude of times via a plenitude of forums: 72% of Internet users say they looked online for health information in th … Read more

How’s Married Life? Are you ready to have a baby?

When I got married 5 years ago, it didn’t take long to start getting that common question, “So when are you going to have a baby?”  I’m sure all married women (and men) have experienced the same … Read more

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