The new health care clinic that targets Millennials and connects.

Brogan & Partners 02/10/16 - 3:46 pm

For years, brands have been competing to win the loyalty of Millennials. And while some industries, such as food and retail, have experience major successes with this generation, the health care industry has struggled to get the attention of Millennials.

In fact, a 2015 survey showed that:

  • 93 percent of Millennials did not schedule a preventative visit to the doctor
  • 42 percent of Millennials would most likely cancel a checkup because they were too busy
  • 28 percent of Millennials would self-diagnose

This is not to assume that Millennials don’t care about their health. In fact, the brands that really resonate with this audience are all about healthier lifestyle decisions, such as Chipotle and Fitbit.

So what is it? Millennials are frugal when it comes to time and money. They’re willing to spend a few extra dollars for a Starbucks latte and the extra time to cook a healthier meal because there’s an incentive. But when it comes to waiting rooms, copays and everything in between, Millennials aren’t buying the tradeoff. That is, until Zoom+.


Originally founded in 2006 as Zoomcare, Zoom+ was modeled after the fast service offered by Starbucks and the high-tech aesthetics of Apple to cater to Millennials. The company’s mantra, “Twice the health at half the cost and 10 times the delight” captures the key values held by this generation: health, money and experience.

Zoom+ offers a full range of clinical, ER and general services, includes a walk-in clinic, provides on-site prescription, is its own health plan, and hosts exercise and cooking classes. The company divides their services to feature specific care for every individual. For example, Zoom+ Performance is a primary care service that uses food and movement to help individuals reach their potential, such as increasing strength and stamina, mental focus and energy. While Zoom+ Super gives Millennials radical access to emergency care at 1/10th the cost. There’s even an app for users to access all of their health information. Zoom+ understands that Millennials are looking for something convenient, so its strategy is to become the one place they can turn to for all their health needs, from prevention to emergency situations.

Although Zoom+ currently only has offices in Portland, there’s no doubt this health care company has set the bar. The needs, wants and values of Millennials inspire everything they do, which has paid off since Portland Millennials have responded positively to the company.

Zoom+ is a truly unique inspiration in marketing health care to Millennials. With intention and strategy, they shed light to the possibility of winning this generation’s loyalty for health care brands. If you’re a health care company looking to win over Millennials, model after Zoom+, featuring cool aesthetics, lower cost and radical access. Not sure where to start? Check out these three tips to get started.

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