Want to build your Millennial market share? Stop thinking like a Boomer. Sure they may get a little monthly stipend from mom and dad, but that in no way implies that they bank like their parents. They’re using utility bill history to apply for loans and lurking in financial fiction for advice and inspiration. And just when you thought you’d figured out their fave social platform they get all post shy and feed sensitive. When all else fails, invest in blogs. It’s the gift that keeps on giving.
Millennials find clever ways to finance life. No score, no savings, no sweat. Plucky Millennials will find a way to finance that purchase and invest in themselves—with a little help from mom and dad.
5 fast facts about Millennials’ financial habits. Bonus for Millennial singles. They also double as pickup lines. So, what’s your credit score? Shop here often? Tell me your latest Story and I’ll tell you mine.
Forget Bridget Jones. Millennial women prefer to know how you spend your money than your calories. Fans of “Money Diaries” at Refinery29, a New York-based website, pore over the routine financial minutiae of strangers’ lives like your grandma working a Sudoku.
African Americans and banks: It’s complicated. There are many reasons African Americans are more likely to be unbanked or underbanked. Here are three ways credit unions and banks can start making important inroads.
QUICK study
Hold that post. Social media users are scaling back. Blame it on the election. Or one too many tags. Some have comment remorse. All of this and more is giving users pause to reflect before sharing. What’s it mean for your brand?
Facebook and Google are losing the war against ad-blockers. Today, 11 percent of users have ad-blocking software. Male Millennial techies are partly responsible for the surge, but not totally. Is your target audience blocking your bits? How to win them back.
Is your banking investing in blogs? Content is kind of like that compounding interest your member service reps preach to young savers about. Get started or get better with 8 things every blogger must know.
SHARPEN the saw
Show then tell. Did you know that 93 percent of communication is visual? Amplify your marketing and discover how your brand can communicate visually. Download our latest free guide, “Communicating with Visuals.”
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