GoldieBlox “Girls” music video changes our opinion on girl gifts.

Lauren Zuzelski 11/20/13 - 2:25 pm

GoldieBlox Girls Music Video Changes our Opinion on Girl Gifts

 If you grew up in the 80’s, then you are familiar with the Beastie Boys song, “Girls.” Back in the day, you could hear me and my girlfriends singing it on our drive to school.

“Girls – to do the dishes. Girls – to clean up my room. Girls – to do the laundry. and in the bathroom.”

Well, if you are in the target audience for GoldieBlox, the song is going to take on a whole new meaning. Just in time for the holidays, the toy company launched a new commercial, or maybe we should call it a music video, sampling the B Boys track in the background, but with lyrics that are a little different:


“It’s time to change.  We deserve to see a range, cuz all our toys look just the same, and we would like to use our brains. We are all more than princess maids.”

As a member of their target audience (I’m a mom of a 5-month old little girl), I am moved, energized and ready to shop. I vow from today forward to veer from the stereotypical princess maid toys. I want to help raise a future engineer (maybe to follow in her dad’s footsteps). Girl power!

2 thoughts on “GoldieBlox “Girls” music video changes our opinion on girl gifts.”

  1. Lauren,
    Such a timely post as

    Such a timely post as my FB feed was FULL of shares of this video this week. I am keeping my fingers crossed that GoldieBlox is successful, however, I can say that I personally opted NOT to buy their lead offering for my girl this holiday season b/c of the poor reviews on Amazon. I opted instead for a toy by Roominate (also STEM oriented), but kudos for these companies for their efforts in this category. Very refreshing.

  2. Mary – Thank you for your
    Mary – Thank you for your comment. I know, my feed was full of them too. I will have to look into the Roominate gifts too… although they all may be a little too complicated for my little one right now. I hope they succeed too!

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