Let’s talk video. Instagram launched :60 video, but are users really watching it? And since ad money isn’t coming yet on Facebook, the platform is considering testing commercials right in the live stream. Are you prepared? Or are you still figuring out which social network your brand should be on? Not to worry, Search Engine Journal has a four step guide to finding the answer.
DETAILS, please
Will :60 videos have an audience on Instagram? Social Times is finding out just how often users watch Instagram videos.
Facebook is promising live-video publishers in-stream ad options. When BuzzFeed went live on Facebook with an exploding watermelon trick, 800,000 viewers watched at one point. What it didn’t do was bring in a penny in advertising dollars. So, now what?
Which social media network should you focus on? With so many social networks out there, have you ever wondered which social media channels you should focus on? I mean there’s Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Periscope, SnapChat, etc.
Meanwhile back at the RANCH
We started wondering…do Millennials get enough sleep? What about exercise? So, we blogged about it.
Everything marketers need to know about Millennials’ health and wellness. We already know this audience is mindful when it comes to their health. But what else is this cohort doing when it comes to their wellness?
THE Topic of conversation
Hospital marketing budgets. Does your hospital marketing budget have you down? Download our free guide, “How to market your hospital on a tight budget,” to learn budget efficient marketing strategies.
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