Weekly Recap – December 25, 2015

Lori Bahnmueller 12/23/15 - 8:07 pm

weekly recap

You’ve got presents to wrap, so we’ll keep this short. Soon you’ll be playing games with your soda. And we’re not talking kick the can. Speaking of relationships, Sephora says you’re not visiting the malls much lately. It hurts. Sales. What if they added some tech with that blush? Santa got the memo, but he left his credit cards in the sleigh. What do you get on the first day of Christmas? We can’t remember either.

DETAILS, please
Ever wish you could take your canned soda relationship to a new level? Smartphone users who drink canned, single-serving beverages will soon be able to interact with beverage brands—enter a contest, play a game or watch a music video, for example—as soon as they open a can.

Sephora gives smartphone shoppers a reason to visit the mall. Beauty fans know the Sephora pull—it’s hard to leave the emporium without picking up an extra lipstick or powder. But what if they don’t come to the physical store? To keep smartphone-focused shoppers engaged, Sephora is pulling out all the stops, luring them in with tech, tutorials and trial.

This holiday season brought to you by cold, hard cash. Most Americans will be using either cash or a bank debit card to pay for most of their holiday presents, according to a Bankrate Money Pulse survey. Credit card experts argue that it’s safer for consumers to charge it. True that. But, come January, that zero balance on my credit card statement will make for a brighter New Year.

Meanwhile, back at the RANCH
Earn rewards for healthy choices: Healthcare loyalty programs move us. What’s your favorite rewards program? It’s unlikely your health insurer or drug store made the cut. But why not? Talk about mutually beneficial arrangement. You get healthier, they get wealthier.

Brogan: Best of 2015. It’s been a great year at Brogan. We’ve produced some great work, thanks to great clients. We distilled some of our best work into a top 10 list featuring a blend of old and new media. We suggest pairing it with a team brainstorm.

The 10 most popular marketing blogs of 2015 and why. We cranked out a lot of content in 2015. Why? Because SEO. Website traffic. Qualified leads. Which blogs were most popular with marketing folks and why?

THE topic of conversation
Instagram. With an audience of 400 million, it’s no wonder brands are flocking to the medium. You’ll discover that every brand story can be shared in pictures. Are you ready to dive in? Read our free whitepaper “Why Your Business Should be Marketing on Instagram.”

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Blog Category: Weekly Recap

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