If you work in the advertising industry, you might think no one else understands what you do every day. Does anyone spend hours scrolling through stock photography sites or social media channels as a part of their job description? Are there others who celebrate the same things as you—like engagement, clicks, views and listens? Do people outside of the industry refer to their groups of friends as “Young Millennials” and “Gen Xers?”
Ad men and women: Here are six things only you can relate to.
1. The only thing you want for your birthday is for creative to get final, final, final client approval.
2. You celebrate because your engagement rate exceeds the industry standard.
3. You spend hours looking for a stock photo of a bearded, bald man over 60, mountain climbing with his cat.
4. You’re paid overtime in Pad Thai.
5. You ask your web developer a question and the response comes back in HTML.
6. You’re ecstatic that you finally finished putting together the 348-page client deck.
Have something else to add to the list? Tell us in the comments below.
You cry with joy when you get
You cry with joy when you get more than 24 hours lead time….