Personal banking has gotten far less personal in recent years. Financial technology has all but replaced the need for consumers to visit a branch. Yet, banks and credit unions are still investing in bricks and mortar. Are all these new bank branches just a form of expensive advertising? The truth lies somewhere between convenience and awareness, according to a recent Brogan survey.
Apart from a safe place to store their savings and borrow money, what else do consumers expect from their banking relationships? Do they expect financial counsel? Do they want personal attention? Do they still want to be able to talk to someone? How do they decide where to bank and why do they remain loyal?
To find out where banks should put their marketing resources, we asked our panel lots of questions and stratified the data based on generations. What’s good for the Mature isn’t necessary great for the Millennial. But what they want may surprise you. Download the Brogan Talks to Women 2018 Banking Consumer Survey.