Social media is constantly evolving, with vigilant bloggers following every new app, rule and Facebook flicker. We sift through hundreds of blogs weekly to keep on top of developments and seek out new client opportunities. It’s our job. And we like to share. So, don’t fret about what you might be missing. We’ve got your Cliffs Notes.
Twitter Unleashes Autoplay Video Ads With a 100% Viewability Promise
Twitter is now ready to serve autoplay video, which has the potential to change up the experience on the platform with richer and more engaging media.
The Blogging Tactic No One Is Talking About: Optimizing the Past
This article demystifies the term “historical optimization.” The goal? Update old blog content and generate more traffic and leads from it in the process.
How to Allocate Your Time Managing Social Media
This is the first question that you need to ask yourself: How much time should I spend on social media marketing every week?
How to Improve Organic Reach on Facebook (Infographic)
Since Facebook made the transition to pay-to-play, reports have shown consistent declines in organic reach for brands.
Can Companies Keep Up with Soaring Customer Expectations?
Exceptional service? Customers like it, and they want more.