Social media is constantly evolving, with vigilant bloggers following every new app, rule and Facebook flicker. We sift through hundreds of blogs weekly to keep on top of developments and seek out new client opportunities. It’s our job. And we like to share. So, don’t fret about what you might be missing. We’ve got your Cliffs Notes.
How to Get More Likes on Your Facebook Page
Every brand on Facebook is on Facebook for one reason — to (eventually) get more business.
4 New Changes to the Biggest Social Networks (and Why You Should Care)
Here’s a roundup of recent changes to the services offered by four of the biggest social networks…and why you should pay attention.
Mobile Apps Score Among Super Bowl Viewers
About half of Super Bowl viewers were likely tapping away on apps during this past weekend’s football game, based on recent research.
Infographic: How to Get More Engagement With Your Visual Content
Not only do images get more social shares, but they also compel fans, viewers, and website visitors to stick around longer.
3 Simple Ways to Personalize Content by Referral Source
Most marketers know the importance of creating unique content for different social mediums.
Coca-Cola, Always, and Microsoft: 3 brands marketing trends with inspiring ads.
Touchdown! Changing values, one of the six marketing trends of 2015, was a very popular theme line for most Super Bowl ads this year.
5 Things Your Video Marketing Strategy Should Include
This year has been called “The Year of Video Marketing,” as businesses find new, inventive ways to use the medium to reach customers.