University Marketing 101: Centennial College proves print ads still have potential.

Kaitlynn Crane 07/22/15 - 3:47 pm

If you work in the advertising industry, you know print ads in magazines and newspapers have been on a steady decline since 2007. Marketers are increasingly turning to mobile, social and digital—anything their audience can access in just a few clicks. And while print may not be one of those avenues, that doesn’t mean it can’t be effective.

Centennial College—a school in Canada home to about 18,000 full-time students, 20,000 part-time students and 150 programs across 40 fields of study—ran a series of print ads promoting the school to potential students.

They were fun. They were honest. They were relatable. But most importantly, they let their target audience know they see potential in them (and, inadvertently in print advertising!). And that’s a pretty powerful message.

Instead of recognizing the school itself—campus, professors, programs—the ads recognize that everyone has greatness within them. And whoever you want to be, whatever you want to do, Centennial College is the place for that greatness to shine.

How can you help your college or university shine? Try Centennial’s approach. Don’t talk about your school. Talk to your potential students. Because when you put your students in the spotlight, instead of just your school, you might be surprised.

Read more: University Marketing 101: 4 colleges connecting with co-eds.

Blog Category: Education Insights & Trends

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