The weekly recap – July 14, 2014.

Ellyn Davidson 07/18/14 - 7:56 pm

Social media is constantly evolving, with vigilant bloggers following every new app, rule and Facebook flicker. We sift through hundreds of blogs weekly to keep on top of developments and seek out new client opportunities. It’s our job. And we like to share. So, don’t fret about what you might be missing. We’ve got your Cliffs Notes.

Celebrating 30 years of creative advertising: #9 MDCH Smoking Cessation: Women
In the 90s, Brogan used research to effectively advertise to smokers for the Michigan Department of Community Health smoking Quitline campaign.

20 Stunning Inbound Marketing Statistics
Looking for some inbound marketing statistics that will blow you away? Here are 20 to get you inspired.

Why Your Content Isn’t Going Viral (Infographic)
Follow these tips to make your content more sharable.

5 Ways to Invite Your Followers Into Your Content Marketing
Content marketing is a great opportunity for your brand. Here are ways to encourage and engage your followers to join your content marketing team.

How to Use Google Analytics Audience Data to Improve Your Marketing
Google Analytics data can help you understand the demographics, interests, and behaviors of your website audience, which can help improve your online marking.

Blog Category: Branding Insights & Trends

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We are true partners. With a proven track record of delivering strategic marketing expertise, award-winning creative and real-time, data-driven media, we go above and beyond for our clients to get results. We even guarantee you’ll be delighted.