The impact of social visualization on social media strategy.

Laurie Hix 12/17/13 - 6:27 pm

Last year, Pinterest was hot. This year, Vine. What will 2014 bring? Social media is constantly evolving. The platforms change. Audiences migrate. And the measure of relevant, meaningful content changes. One of the biggest changes has been the trend of social visualization. Social visualization is how the social information we share is becoming more visual. After all, a picture speaks 1000 words, which is considerably more than a measly 140 characters. It’s given rise to the popularity of Instagram, Snapchat and Vine. And it is even changing the way we can understand big data. There are many apps that are taking all the information we can gather through our digital footprint and presenting it in a visual way that makes it easier to understand the bigger picture.

What does all this mean? It means that the bar is set even higher for creative social media content. Now more than ever it must be given the respect and strategic attention as other important brand elements: it must be well-conceived, well-written and well-designed and “on brand.” Big ideas are just as important in social media as your TV, digital and mobile. So if you pay an agency to do your big idea advertising but handle your social media internally, you may want to re-think your strategy.

To learn more about the nine social media trends you need to know now, download our free whitepaper, “The Evolution of Social Media.” Where do you think social media is going?

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