Technology is changing. How are we changing with it?

Delaney Darling 05/18/22 - 11:08 am

Technology is changing. How are we changing with it?

There have been many drastic changes to everyday routines as technology has advanced. Today, it’s a common sight to see people carrying around smartphones and laptops or listening to wireless headphones. Although electronics and devices have influenced the surrounding world, people have also changed along with it.

Technology has led to greater connections and access to information or people. Yet, peoples’ dependency on these devices has led to a transformation in interactions and daily tasks. What are some of the biggest changes? Find out.

Connectivity in classrooms and offices

Access to devices like computers has made school and job opportunities much more available to people who would not have had such options before. They’ve also expanded the topics students or employees can learn in their daily lives. When the pandemic hit, for example, students were able to seamlessly transition to remote classrooms with the help of home devices.

While these benefits were never available before, there are also some issues with the increasing and constant use of technology. It is proven that spending significant portions of time with technology has lowered attention spans, especially with students. Another new complaint with the consistent use of technology is the accessibility to it at all times.

Communication in the digital age

With texts, calls, zoom, etc., communication is the easiest it has ever been. The ability to connect with others at any time, from any distance is an incredible tool. Yet, the dependency on technology can lead to issues in social skills, eye contact, phone skills, spatial awareness and more. The constant need to consume social media leads to people being on their phones more than ever before. And this creates a noticeable difference in the way people speak or interact with each other virtually rather than in-person.

Effects of technology on mental health

There is a large divide in the effects of technology and social media on mental health. With consistent access to devices, there is a greater convenience and ease when attempting to get help, whether texting a helpline or calling a therapist. In times of need, these tools are essential to any person and can save lives.

Although the increased use of these online tools can boost mental health, it is proven there are great negative consequences to consistent use of technology, especially in mental illnesses. Since social media has boomed, there are increased feelings of isolation, leading to greater chances of depression or anxiety.

Technology has impacted the world and the people around it in tremendous ways. As the advancements keep coming, how will brands use technology for good? We’re excited to see and to do our part.

Looking for more information about technology? Find it on the Brogan blog.

Blog Category: Digital Social Media

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