How well does Proctor & Gamble understand how to market to women? They invented the Soap Opera. P & G has always been out in front scouring for new products and new ways to help a woman keep house and keep groomed. And over the years, they have become a global powerhouse housing so many brands that are a part of the fabric of our daily life. Like who knew P&G owned Dolce & Gabbana? So it’s no surprise that one of the best integrated brand campaigns this year came from Proctor & Gamble. Their Proud Sponsors of Moms campaign was a brilliant idea and executed wonderfully as they were one of the first big players to integrate the new social media flavor of the day, Pinterest. This campaign launched prior to the Olympics. It made moms the heroes doing Olympian feats everyday as they hurdle over work deadlines, dinner quandaries, homework queries and leap over laundry baskets. It’s emotional and really connects to women. And anyone who has a mom. Which is all of us.
Want to see more, check out my first post in my series 20 examples of marketing to women that connects.
For more information on how to market to women, download our free whitepaper.
Totally agree, this is an
Totally agree, this is an awesome campaign.