As marketing to women experts, we don’t rest on our chromosomes. Which is why we started a new research effort targeting women called “Brogan Talks to Women.” Every month we are sending out a survey to understand factors that influence women’s wants, needs and behaviors. The questions in our survey will be modeled on our 360 Connectivity Process to help us understand women in a holistic way through society, technology, economics, environment and politics. It will be a snapshot that will help us uncover trends that will give us important marketing insight that we can apply to our current clients and potential clients.
Our database of women in the survey are of all different demographic, psychographic and life stages, but we are continuing to promote and grow our database. If you are interested in becoming part of our survey group, you can register here. We will even give you a fun treat for signing up. Women will also be entered in a monthly drawing for their continued participation.
We are very excited to launch “Brogan Talks to Women.” Getting real-time marketing to women insights tailor made to our creative process will be a huge advantage for our clients and our agency.