Introducing our “Creating Positive Change Challenge”

Kaitlynn Crane 04/01/22 - 10:29 pm

Creating Positive Change Challenge

Whether it’s working with clients to promote messages that make a difference, fundraising for our clients’ causes or giving 5% of our profits back to the community, we pride ourselves on creating positive change. However, to ensure we’re doing so in our personal lives, just as much as we do in our professional lives, we’re currently engaging our employees in a “Creating Positive Change Challenge.”

This April, we’re hosting a friendly game of bingo to entice our Broganites to get out, reach out, branch out and take a few timeouts. Participants have the entire month to complete the following 25 tasks (thus filling their bingo boards) in any order they’d like.

For anyone who’d like to play along, or adapt the concept for their company, take a peek at what we’re working on:

  1. Do 50 jumping jacks by the end of the day. (Modify to fit your needs.)
  2. Do the macarena.
  3. Meditate before you go to bed.
  4. Send a greeting by mail to someone who could use a little cheer.
  5. Pick a bunch of wildflowers.
  6. Take a long walk without considering your phone once. (It’s okay if it’s in your pocket on silent mode. Just don’t look at it or listen to it.)
  7. Make a date with a friend you haven’t seen in a while.
  8. Make a meatless dish for dinner.
  9. Go for a walk with a coworker whom you rarely work with. (It’s okay if you walk together virtually, chatting on the phone or via FaceTime.)
  10. Set an alarm to get up from your desk on the top of every work hour.
  11. Download a free trial of an exercise app and take a class.
  12. Try a new exercise.
  13. Take a walk in the rain.
  14. Prepare your own lunch.
  15. Take stock of your true talents. (Give yourself some grace. No one is perfect, and we’re all trying the best we can. Make a list with three columns: the first of things you’re not so good at, the second of things you’re okay at and the third with things you’ve very good at.)
  16. Organize a drawer.
  17. Drink at least eight glasses of water today.
  18. Take the scenic route rather than the speediest.
  19. Dress for success. Wear workout gear so you’re ready to move.
  20. Dance, dance like it’s the last, last night of your life, life.
  21. Learn how to say “thank you” in a foreign language.
  22. Recall a recent mistake and find the joy in what you learned from it.
  23. Visit a farmers’ market.
  24. Make a summer playlist.
  25. Make a plan to make a positive difference this year.

In addition to creating positive change, it’s also an excuse for our team to have some healthy fun and compete to win cool swag.

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Blog Category: Brogan Workplace Culture

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We are true partners. With a proven track record of delivering strategic marketing expertise, award-winning creative and real-time, data-driven media, we go above and beyond for our clients to get results. We even guarantee you’ll be delighted.