How’s Married Life? Are you ready to have a baby?

Lauren Zuzelski 04/24/14 - 7:42 pm

When I got married 5 years ago, it didn’t take long to start getting that common question, “So when are you going to have a baby?”  I’m sure all married women (and men) have experienced the same thing. It’s no surprise though, who doesn’t love having a new baby in the family?

When our client, Covenant HealthCare, charged us with developing a comprehensive healthcare marketing campaign for their maternity services, we couldn’t resist exploring this theme. They were recently named America’s Best Hospitals for Obstetrics and they have always been well known and respected in the market for maternity services but had not employed mass communication to share this information.

The goal of the campaign was to increase awareness of Covenant HealthCare as the safest, most trusted place to have a baby in the Great Lakes Bay Region and ultimately get their target audience (women 18-34) to visit the web page to learn more about their maternity services while also having the option of finding an OB.

We knew humor would be a great approach to connect with our target audience. Take a look at our newest TV spot.

My grandmother barely waited for our ceremony to end to ask that question. What about you?

2 thoughts on “How’s Married Life? Are you ready to have a baby?”

  1. As an OB/Gyn physician
    As an OB/Gyn physician working at Covenant I have to say I found this advertisement distasteful and un-informative. Disappointed. I wish the physicians would have been given the opportunity to pre-screen it and give input.

    • I am sorry the TV spot was
      I am sorry the TV spot was not to your liking. I want to assure you that we did test it among many women in the target audience to make sure it broke through and emotionally connected with them in a positive way. We also developed the concept of the ad with a leadership group including physicians. Because it’s impossible to get all of the valuable information about the Covenant maternity program and OBs into a :30 TV spot, our goal is to encourage the target audience to go to the landing page for more detailed information. This includes information about all OBs who deliver at Covenant. We are already seeing significant success in reaching this goal thusfar. I will share your comment with the Marketing Department and would be happy to answer any questions you may have.

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