Father’s day is right around the corner. And while research shows that dads generally get less gifts and goodies than moms do for Mother’s Day, Dove’s latest ad could change the trend this weekend. Get some tissues ready if you haven’t seen this tear-jerking ad. It’ll leave you overwhelmed with emotions and wanting to celebrate your family’s superhero.
This one minute spot features the simple moments of fatherhood using variations of a single expression, which we may all be familiar with – “Dad.” Dove presents it as more than just a name. It’s our call for help when our car breaks down, our sense of protection when we have a bad dream, our exclamation of joy when we overcome a milestone in life.
Dove has proven to be an expert at marketing to women. So what does an ad about Father’s Day have anything to do with that? More than you’d think, actually. Although the film does speak to men by highlighting the loving, caring dad moments that are often absent in media today, its main audience is essentially still women. It emotionally engages with women and inspires them to celebrate their dads and husbands. Dove markets their Men+Care products to their main consumers, females, by filling them with gratitude for the men in their lives. So the ad is for the women and the product is for the men. Because after all, who do you think shops for their men’s body wash? Now that’s creative marketing.
As a writer, I value the power of words and how it can be used to spur strong emotions. Dove’s ad is able to stir up a whirlwind of emotions with just a single word. Dad.
What are your thoughts on Dove’s latest ad? Regardless, don’t forget to give your dad a call this weekend.