Awareness is nice, but it won’t put a roof over anyone’s head. The objective of most social marketing is to build awareness about social issues and inspire behavior change. This social marketing campaign for Covenant House, the largest homeless shelter for Canada’s youth, kills two birds with one stone. While it builds awareness, it asks you to do reach your hand into your pocket on the spot. Sure, the March of Dimes has been doing this for decades—asking you to add a change to a point of purchase display. But this was done in a really beautiful and interesting way. I know this won an Obie, and it certainly inspires me of what is possible for outdoor and a simple poster. Have you seen any other interesting social marketing campaigns that inspire behavior change on the spot?
Guerrilla marketing can be powerful. Just how powerful? See the work we did to build awareness for HIV early detection.
This blog post is #7 in my series, 21 creative social marketing examples.
I often see marketing for
I often see marketing for great causes and love it. I know that online marketing can often have a negative connotation with it, but I believe that for purposes like this, it can truly make a difference. I have seen awareness grow at an unfathomable rate for people who go missing just through social media and managed email marketing. For example, I think of the awareness of Lauren Spierer’s disappearance from Indiana University and how quickly it grew through this sort of marketing. I love that it is being put to great causes!