Celebrating 30 years of creative advertising: #8 Chevrolet.

Laurie Hix 07/14/14 - 4:10 pm

Men and women shop differently. They have different needs and priorities driving them. In the mid 1980’s, Chevrolet was beginning to see more and more women buying cars. So they hired Brogan as the only marketing to women ad agency in Detroit to grease the wheels and to accelerate sales to this critical audience. We created a campaign to educate the 5,000 Chevy dealers across the country and their 100,000 retail sales and service staff on how to understand and sell to female consumers. Our “Sign of the Times” brochure was ahead of its time. It educated dealers about this important, growing and lucrative market and helped them sell more effectively to them. We also created materials to educate women on the process of buying a car so they could feel like they were behind the wheel throughout the purchase, not just the test drive. The results of the campaign was a dramatic shift: Chevrolet sold more cars to women, several Chevrolet dealers and associations instituted programs to attract women car buyers and Chevrolet hired and promoted more women to lead this initiative.

This campaign marked the first of many marketing to women campaigns for Brogan over our history. It not only pushed the pedal to the metal for Chevrolet, it shifted cultural attitudes. To see the rest of the 30 Best of Brogan, visit our original post in this series: Celebrating 30 years of creative advertising.

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