Influencer marketing on a budget.

Kahla Anderson 03/14/19 - 4:51 pm

Influencer marketing has become a leading trend in the last couple years and brands of all sizes and industries want in. And social media has provided a platform for an influencer marketing renaissance. Today you don’t need to be famous, qualified or experienced to influence an audience; the most important part is having an audience and a viable platform.  Take motherhood for example.

Imagine you’re a new mom – looking for the perfect diaper brand for your baby. In your extensive research, you find a celebrity promoting one brand… and a local mommy blogger endorsing another. Who are you more likely to believe?

If you’re leaning toward trusting the local mommy blogger, you’re not alone. Immediately, she’s more relatable. More tangible. Her recommendation feels more powerful than a major celebrity who you’ll probably never meet. And ultimately, that’s the power of micro vs. macro influencers.

The difference between macro and micro influencers.

When influencer marketing comes to mind, some think macro influencer. That would include celebrities like Kylie Jenner to King Bach. The benefits of macro influencers are the reach a brand will gain from the millions of followers that come along with them. But their reach comes with a cost and a lot of other noise competing for attention. Brands now can incorporate influencers with little investment and a lot more focus.

According to SocialMediaToday, micro influencers are regular people usually with 10,000 followers or less. Unlike macro influencers, micro influencers often seek out the companies they wish to promote. If the brand is aligned with the micro influencer, then a partnership is formed.

How It Works

Companies often have an application process where influencers can illustrate the benefit of having them apart of their strategy. Once selected, influencers will receive products to introduce to their audience. Companies can use an influencer network which is like digital Yellow Pages to find influencers for a specific demographic.


The Cost

Micro influencers can be very cost effective.  These Influencers are responsible for the execution and cost of their campaign, excluding the product at hand which is provided by the brand.


Micro influencers, because of their relevance with their audience, usually have more of a personal connection and more intimate relationship with their following so it is easier to market a brand/product and get them to trust you. Unlike a macro influencer, where the understanding from consumers is a brand used a particular celebrity due to their popularity and reach.


Companies can get direct feedback from micro influencers. The relationship that micro influencers have with their followers gives them the ability to get instant feedback on whether a product/brand is worth the investment. This helps brands see where areas of improvement are needed from more authentic feedback.

What’s Next?

There will be a rise in the use of micro-influencers in 2019. With the ability to save money, reach your target market and have instant feedback. More brands will be adding micro influencers to their marketing agenda. On top of an already growing landscape, social media will see a shift to more authentic content and genuine relationships. So if you ever thought about being an influencer here is your chance! Tap into an Influencer Network and start posting away!

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