The week in review – May 27, 2013.

Ellyn Davidson 05/31/13 - 3:53 pm

Social media is constantly evolving, with vigilant bloggers following every new app, rule and Facebook flicker. We sift through hundreds of blogs weekly to keep on top of developments and seek out new client opportunities. It’s our job. And we like to share. So, don’t fret about what you might be missing. We’ve got your Cliffs Notes. 

Facebook Launches Verified Pages
Much like verified accounts on Twitter, verified Facebook pages will now display a small blue check mark beside their owner’s name on the social network.

verified facebook page

Users Can Now Share Photos and Presentations on LinkedIn’s Homepage
LinkedIn added the ability for users to share photos, presentations and documents from the LinkedIn homepage, just as people might already share status messages or links to news stories.

Twitter’s New Ad Exchange Might Be Better Than Facebook’s
The micro-blogging platform is planning to erect an exchange similar to FBX that would let brands retarget people who visit their sites with ads on Twitter, according to people with knowledge of the matter.

Creative Brands on Pinterest
Besides contests, there are new ways to engage audiences and build your presence.

Social and Mobile See Biggest Increase in Ad Dollars
Of the 20 major US brands surveyed by the Association of National Advertisers in March 2013, 65% said they were increasing their investments in mobile and 55% were increasing social.

Blog Category: Branding Social Media

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