The week in review – May 20, 2013.

Ellyn Davidson 05/24/13 - 1:48 pm

Social media is constantly evolving, with vigilant bloggers following every new app, rule and Facebook flicker. We sift through hundreds of blogs weekly to keep on top of developments and seek out new client opportunities. It’s our job. And we like to share. So, don’t fret about what you might be missing. We’ve got your Cliffs Notes. 

The Social Metrics That Matter
Advertisers can get caught up in numbers – find out which social metrics are really worth monitoring.
Twitter Launches Ad That Allows Marketers to Collect Personal Information
Twitter announced a new kind of Tweet, a Lead Generation Card, designed to allow marketers to easily collect personal information from Twitter users, if they chose to provide it.

Pinterest Partners with Brands
Instead of exclusively linking back to the original source, pins from certain brands will now display information such as recipes, movie reviews and price information.

Pinterest Partners with Brands

Pinterest’s Advertising Future
It’s a good bet Pinterest advertising will be native-looking and centered on commerce.

Ways to Make Your Vines Stand Out
These tips range from technical best practices to creative guidelines to make your Vines really impress a viewer.

Sephora, Women and Technology
The CEO of Sephora speaks on the perception that men are always the early adopters of technology.

Blog Category: Branding Digital Social Media

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