Healthcare Checkup – February 2020

Julia Mastropaolo 02/25/20 - 11:41 am

Healthcare Checkup

Virtual reality, face masks and quarantines are relieving fear and symptoms. And while GenZ and Millennials trust celebrities, older adults still tune into TV commercials; marketers are taking LinkedIn and connected vehicles for a spin.  SHSMD’s FutureScan and CHNAs pave the way for the future of healthcare and community health.

Vitamin B & P

Virtual reality may help relieve pain during childbirth. In a half hour test among 40 hospitalized women in labor, those who used VR headsets providing relaxing scenes and messages reported pain reductions compared with those without headsets, researchers said at the annual meeting of the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine in Grapevine, TX.

School Districts Grapple with Quarantines, Face Masks and Fear. School districts across the U.S., particularly those with large Asian American populations, like California, home to approximately one third of the nation’s Chinese immigrants, have scrambled to respond to the coronavirus outbreak. In unchartered territory amidst mandatory quarantines and self-quarantines, administrators are weighing whether to allow uninfected students to work from home or let them wear face masks in class.

Marketing Supplements

Old & Attentive, Young & Impressionable. Older TV viewers are more likely to tune into commercials than younger viewers. Influencers have the most sway with GenZ and Millennials, with a 50% trust factor for recommendations on making purchases. And while a fair share of over-the-top (OTT) content is viewed on mobile (23%), TV is by far the most frequently used device to stream video.

LinkedIn and Car Talk. More than half of marketers (50.3%) will use LinkedIn for marketing and advertising purposes by 2021, per eMarketer. And marketers are trying to figure out how to take connected vehicles for a spin.

Industry Pulse

The Future of Health Care: 2020 – 2025. Disruptive innovation. Dual Transformation. Strategic Partnerships. Resilience. Medical Advances. Frictionless. Healthy Aging. Medicaid. SHSMD’s Futurescan 2020 – 2025 highlights these healthcare trends and implications.

Making a Difference in Community Health. Gone are the days when an annual health fair sufficed as community engagement. Through partnerships, hospitals are extending care well beyond their walls to fulfill Community health needs assessments (CHNAs).

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