Celebrating 30 years of creative advertising: #1 Keep the best players on the bench.

Laurie Hix 06/02/14 - 2:11 pm

Marcie Brogan has always had a passion for politics. It was evident even way back in the beginning of the agency with the iconic campaign for the Oakland Circuit Court Judges Re-election. Five judges already sitting on the bench were up for re-election and the committee to Re-elect Judges Templin, Andrews, Schnelz, LaPlata and Mester had Brogan come up with a cost effective and high impact multi-media campaign. The clever campaign, with the memorable line “Keep the Best Players on the Bench” featured the judges like baseball players. It was a home run, resulting in the re-election of all five judges by their widest margins ever. And the extra media attention we scored was a big hit as well. This campaign won many creative awards, including an Emmy.

This little campaign did big things for the creative start-up Brogan Kabot. It showed how two creative women could play in the big leagues, making big creative plays just like the big ad agencies they came from.  Do you remember this campaign?

To see the rest of the 30 Best of Brogan, visit our original post in this series: Celebrating 30 years of creative advertising.

Judges of the Oakland County Circuit Court

Blog Category: Brogan

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