When you have this many over-achievers, it’s easier to achieve your goals.
You know the type. Relentless Type A’s who are passionate about learning new technology, trail-blazing new trends, and finding new, creative solutions to solve problems. Our team is high-performing because we work so closely as a team to accomplish our goals, leveraging the talents and skills of each other’s expertise. Our passion for what we do makes us work that much harder (and frankly, makes us a lot more fun to work with).
Our team is full of rock stars, but no divas. So no matter what you need—whether it’s a quick fire to put out or tsunami of work to help you out with—we’re all here for you, from the top of the organizational chart on down.
Laurie Hix
Partner, Creative Director
Becky Robertson
Partner, Media Director
Lori Bahnmueller
Partner, Director of Research & Strategy
Lauren Zuzelski
Partner, Director of Account Service
Katie Rehrauer
Partner, Director of Account Service
Eric Bunch
Partner, Lead Web Developer
Kim Luebke
Partner, Account Director
Laura Pryor
Associate Creative Director
Sarah Foley
Associate Creative Director
Carly Schiff
Partner, Director of Web Experience
Emily Wagner
Partner, Account Director
and SEO Strategist
Abby Gomos
Partner, Associate Media Director
Tami Marinello
Partner, Senior
Corporate Support Specialist
Abigail Wilkins
Partner, Associate Creative Director
Kaitlynn Crane
Associate, Senior Copywriter
Erin Palmore
Associate, Art Director
Samantha Sherman
Associate, Art Director
Soujanya Settipalli
Associate, Art Director
Annie Mauch
Associate, Corporate Support Specialist
Angela Stankoff
Associate, Account Director
Jennifer Kramer
Associate, Account Director
Kahla Anderson
Associate, Account Manager
Jazmine Davenport
Associate, Account Manager
Cameron Flamont
Associate, Media Specialist
Lacey Davidson
Account Manager
Madison Knapp
Account Coordinator
Julia Schellpfeffer
Account Coordinator
Amanda Cook
Data Analyst
Brett Davidson
Media Coordinator