How we made it our mission to serve Michigan veterans.

As agency of record for the Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency, we are honored to partner with our client to help veterans and their families connect to their well-deserved benefits. We have worked on a variety of campaigns to help break down barriers veterans face in employment, education, health care and quality of life, to help make Michigan a great place for veterans to call home.
Our veterans are as diverse as America.
In the “I am a Veteran” campaign, we used real people. This emotional, hopeful campaign features five underserved, underrepresented veterans telling their stories about real experiences of struggle in the military. Through digital, social, TV and radio, we drove people to a landing page where they could see their personal stories. By empowering veterans to identify, tell their stories and get connected to earned benefits, the campaign helps to build a stronger veteran community and stem veteran suicide.


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I fought for my country in Iraq. Then I came home and fought for my life.

Carlos Castillo
U.S. Marine Corps Veteran

Getting boots on the ground to spread the word to Vietnam veterans.

Many veterans have a disassociation with the military, and in return, their military benefits, due to negativity and alienation they experienced when returning home from the war. With the “Letters from Home” TV spot, we wanted to emotionally connect with this audience and increase positive awareness among Vietnam veterans and their spouses that there are easily accessible veteran benefits for which MVAA can connect them, thereby increasing benefits enrollment. Benefits they truly deserve for their sacrifice and service.

We tripled the impact and value of the campaign through negotiated media added value exposure, with total campaign impressions of over 75 million.