Office of Highway Safety Planning

Making inroads to safer roadways.

We’re partnering with OHSP to create impactful campaigns that meet consumers where they are most likely to consider and act on relatable messaging to adopt safer behaviors. Our audiences are as diverse as Michigan residents, demanding unique strategies and tactics to connect and motivate drivers, riders, pedestrians and bicyclists.

Clicking with the most reluctant seat belt users

Michigan has one of the highest seat belt use rates in the country but it’s not perfect. There are still many motorists who won’t buckle up. Seat belts save lives, no question. But not everyone’s got the message. So, we created a new one, especially crafted to connect with the most stubborn seat belt neglecters—young men.

Post-campaign, seat belt use in the state increased from 93.4 percent to 94.5 percent, according to a Michigan State University observational study. One percent may not seem incredible. But for every one percent increase in seat belt use, traffic safety experts expect 10 fewer traffic deaths and 100 fewer serious injuries.

Securing a safer trek and safer roads.

Raising awareness of the dangers of drunk driving by 360 degrees.

We created an immersive experience to compel young men to get a ride instead of risking driving drunk. The 360° video uses intrigue and gaming to illustrate how one bad decision can have a devastating impact.


33+ million

In just one year, the campaign has generated 33,193,116 impressions across multiple platforms.

Expandable video

29,954 clicks



Rallying bikers to save their brothers from impaired riding.

In Michigan in 2016, one in three motorcyclists killed in single-vehicle crashes had been drinking. Motorcycling is a skill. It’s an escape. It’s serious. To capture the experience and punctuate the point, we take riders on the ride of their life.

We surveyed Michigan motorcyclists after just two months of media. Fifty percent of riders were already familiar with the message after seeing it on TV, online and on the road.


Recalled TV spot


Recalled online ads


Recalled billboards

Brogan is Michigan’s healthcare marketing leader.